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Special Forces Association Chapter 39

The MSG Roy Benavidez Memorial Chapter

Houston, Texas

Chapter Leadership:

President:            Dan Denham

Vice President:     Dean McBride

Secretary:             Open

Treasurer:            Carlos Gutierrez

Project Manager:  Open

SF4Life Rep:         Open

Quartermaster:    Tom Bridgwater

For more information, contact:  Dan Denham,

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
2024 Kemah Salute to the Military

L to R: Tom Bridgwater, Dan Denham, Izzy Hilyer, Dino McBride, and Doc Heintzleman man Chapter 39's booth at the 2024 Kemah Boardwalk Salute to Military and Emergency Responders.

7DEC24 - C39 Men and Women

7 December 2024 Chapter 39 Christmas Luncheon L to R: Janet Keane, Dan Denham, Dino McBride, Janie Clapp, Tom Bridgwater, E.B. Clapp, Patrick Flood, Tommy Austin, Janine McBride, Al Robb, Charlie Keane, Janina Hilyer, Israel Hilyer, Mia Hilyer, Chuck Kennedy, Maggie Gutierrez, Carlos Gutierrez, Joe Frankie, Karen Frankie, Sandy Headley, Carson Headley, Steve Sherman, Nguyet Sherman, Eddie Eskola, Denise Austin, Mua, Moi Smith, Dennis Smith, Becky Denham, Doc Heintzleman.

2024 CH39 Raffle (png)

Congratulations to winner Gene Smith, son of chapter member Denny Smith!

7DEC24 - C39 Men

7 December 2024 Christmas Luncheon L to R: Dino McBride, Tom Bridgwater, E.B. Clapp, Patrick Flood, Tommy Austin, Al Robb, Charlie Keane, Israel Hilyer, Chuck Kennedy, Carlos Gutierrez, Dan Denham, Joe Frankie, Carson Headley, Steve Sherman, Dennis Smith, Eddie Eskola, Doc Heintzleman

Special Forces Association Chapter XXXIX - Houston

Mission Statement

The Special Forces Association Serves as the Voice for the Special Forces Community; Perpetuates Special Forces Traditions and Brotherhood; Advances the Public Image of Special Forces and Promotes the General Welfare of the Special Forces Community.

“Sense of Brotherhood” and "The Team After the Team"

“Our purpose is to unite, fraternally, all who are now or ever have been assigned to the United States Army Special Forces, to perpetuate Special Forces traditions.”

The Special Forces Association is the largest special operations association in the World. Our members include active-duty Green Berets, Army National Guard SF Soldiers, veterans and retired members and of the US Special Forces.

About the Chapter

SFA Chapter XXXIX, The MSG Roy Benavidez Memorial Chapter, includes members from a large radius around the Greater Houston, Texas area.  It ranges generally from Conroe in the north, to Lake Jackson in the south, Katy in the west, to Baytown in the east.  A few members live beyond these points.  The Chapter promotes its traditions and values of Special Forces by strongly uniting with the broader public in ways that benefit both the community and the current and former members of the 1st Special Forces Regiment in the region.

This deeper partnership ensures that recently separated SF veterans have a network of both SF brothers and non-SF community members to help them transition effectively into civilian life.  In essence, they help the veteran become an integral part of the community and to contribute in new ways to that community’s well-being.

At the same time, our goal is not just to help professional Special Forces veterans transition out of the service, but to ensure they can make use of their strong sense of service, combined with like-minded non-veterans, to interact with and help improve their local communities.

Finally, we want our chapter to become an integral source for community leaders to think of when unique and challenging problems/opportunities arise, and for the chapter and its members to be of valuable service.

Chapter XXXIX goals include…

    • Partner where appropriate with other SFA Chapters in the Tex-Mex region including the Special Forces Brotherhood Motorcycle Club (SFBMC) with common goals.

    • Integrate the chapter itself into the greater community and become a source of community support similar to other well-known community organizations such as JROTC, ROTC, VFW, etc.       

    • Provide a network for engaging recently discharged or retired Special Forces veterans and providing them a support network of both former military and non-veterans to ease their transition into civilian life.

    • Provide networking, training, education, and other related support to help Special Forces veterans find meaningful and rewarding civilian employment.

    • Provide emotional support for chapter members and their families in times of illness, crisis, and distress.

    • Attend services of deceased non-SFA fellow Green Berets in the area upon notice.

    • Provide financial assistance to Special Forces veterans and their families who are in need.

    • Provide competitive scholarships to the children of Special Forces veterans.

    • Engage Special Forces veterans in community-oriented efforts and service projects to ensure they find new ways to continue to faithfully serve their fellow citizens.

    • And of course, provide Special Forces veterans with a community of like-minded and experienced brothers they can count upon.

Memorial Day 2024 at Houston National Cemetery

Memorial Day 2024 at Houston National Cemetery

April 2024 - SFA Award of Excellence Presentation to one of top JROTC cadets in Houston ISD
2024 JROTC Awards

February 2024 - Chapter 39 Coin Presented to Camp Hope Director Steve Barnett
Chapter coin presented to Camp Hope director Steve Barnett

Benavidez SF Grp Pic with Sculptor
20230415 Honor Cafe
20231216 Group pic at Texas Mesquite Grill
Recent Articles
Recent Articles
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Book: Lessons From Thought Leaders

New December 2024 book, Lessons From Thought Leaders, from the authors listed below, including SFA Chapter 39 member Sam Robins:

Brian Tracy, Lisa Haisha, Leslie Vera, David Kafka, Simon T. Bailey, Kelly Cort, Sean G. Murphy, Earl Endrich, Christina Rendon, Dan McCarthy, Dale Young, Eberhard Samlowski, Denis Waitley, Patrick Grimes, Randy Hubbs, Howard Partridge, Cheri Perry, Ravin S. Papiah, Tom Ziglar, Sophia Stavron, Gary Pinkerton, Tim Cole, Bobby Adkins, Suzy Pendergraft, Howard Pierpont, Morkos Aziz, Roy Smoothe, Olenka Cullinan, Stefan Whitwell, Ron White, Ron Jones, Dominic Lagrange, Jeanette Ortega, James Blakemore, Andrew Rosenberg, Bob Beaudine, Rita Gamil Kechejian, Bill Malchisky, Kevin Eastman, Jim Johnson, Mai Duong, Jeff McKee, Bob Burg, Kent Rodahaver, Aaron Chapman, Courtney Moeller, Dr. Lee Newton, TC Cummings, Kunal Dewan, Linda Grizely, Greg Zlevor, Newy Scruggs, Erik Mikkelson, Carole Souza, Neal Bawa, Brett Binkley, Chris Gronkowski, Sandhya Seshadri, Craig Moody, Teon Singletary, Les Brown, Carlos Delherra, Mary Hauptman, Rick Gray, Sam Robins, Mitzi Perdue, Rajkumar (Raj) Venkatramani, Clair Hoover, Phil Collen, Anna Kelley, Alan Stewart, Ben Buzek, Jennifer Marchetti, Todd Stottlemyer, Renée Marino, and Kyle Wilson. Available on Amazon.






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Houston, TX  77008
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